Sun, Sand & Sea…what more can the Channel Islands offer?

Nov 2018

It is no wonder people are moving to the Channel Islands, with the lure of the perfect work-life balance on top of the scenic beaches and that relaxed European lifestyle. The Channel Islands can offer you more than you know whether it is for a few years or for life;

  • Excellent climate – need I to say more?
  • 20% Tax rate.
  • Both Guernsey and Jersey have an excellent education system in place. Which is great if you are relocating with family or are thinking about settling there.
  • Family life will change – late nights are replaced by evening walks over the cliffs and bike rides over the many cycle tracks.
  • There is a low crime rate on both islands. The State of Jersey Police recently said new crime statistics make the Island one of the safest places in the British Isles, their report from January shows that crime fell in Jersey by 6% from last year.
  • A worry for most people, when they are relocating, is how it will affect their social life. But there is no need to worry about this as the social aspect of the Channel Islands has never made it easier to meet people with many social clubs to join and networking events taking place.
  • If you enjoy the outdoors, the Channel Islands is the place for you. Sports play a large role in Island there is various sporting clubs and outdoor activities e.g. Water sports like sailing, and various sports clubs to join.
  • You can earn the same amount as top London firms without all the hours.
  • You will gain experience regularly working with top tier UK and US Law Firms.
  • If you are a millennial, both Islands are nightlife hubs full of rustic cobbled streets with wine bars and Chic Coffee Bars. These small islands have everything London and mainland Europe have, so no need to worry about missing out on those after work drinks or lazy Sunday mornings reading the newspaper at your local coffee shop.

The above benefits are appealing and you may be thinking the Channel Islands is the place for you, but it is a very competitive market and you need certain qualities/skills to be considered;

  • At least 6 months’ experience in certain areas of law such as; Corporate, Funds, Trusts, Private Client, Insolvency and Litigation.
  • Strong academics from Secondary School onwards. Most firms will ask for a list of your academics.
  • A commitment to relocating.
  • Had a Traineeship with a top law firm.

If the Channel Islands interests you give Cameron or Teddie a call on 01294 850501 for an initial and confidential discussion. Why not request a copy of our recently updated Channel Islands information pack, which gives you more detail on life in the Islands.

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