Useful links to lawyers seeking to relocate

On this page we have provided a number of links to sites which may be helpful to lawyers considering relocation. For those who are not UK-qualified, there are certainly opportunities in both the professional practice and in-house sectors. However, progress to partner level in professional practice would be curtailed without re-qualifying in either English Law or Scots Law, as may be appropriate. Re-qualifying under English Law would entail taking the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test (QLLT) – the jurisdiction in which you are currently qualified will determine exactly what papers you will be required to take. Re-qualifying under Scots Law is more complicated. For lawyers qualified under English Law, re-qualifying under Scots Law entails taking the Law Society’s Intra UK Transfer Test; and for lawyers qualified in any European Union jurisdiction, the Law Society’s Aptitude Test for EU Qualified Lawyers is appropriate. For lawyers qualified outside of the European Union, the Law Society will determine the process to be followed. The Law Society of Scotland’s website is a convenient starting point for information on its requirements.

While re-qualifying is not a pre-requisite to obtaining employment as a lawyer in the UK, it would certainly make any non-UK qualified lawyer more marketable and will go a long way in demonstrating a real commitment to the move on your part.

Law Society of Scotland |Law Society of England & Wales  | Scottish Law Commission | Scottish Paralegal Association | European Company Lawyers Association


Government structure in Scotland is broadly similar to that elsewhere in the UK, with a number of areas of government devolved to the new Scottish Parliament, created in 1999. The Scottish Parliament website will give more details of Government in Scotland.

The Scottish Parliament


Further study and specialist qualifications can enhance your career. A Master of Laws (LLM) qualification may be an asset when seeking to specialise in a particular discipline. The Universities listed here offer LLM qualifications in a variety of areas. Details of their LLM programmes can be obtained by contacting the relevant law school.

University of Glasgow School of Law | Edinburgh University Law School | University of Strathclyde Law School | Aberdeen University Law School | Dundee University Law School

Keeping up with the legal press is a necessity for lawyers. These sites prove useful:

Legal Business | Legalease | The Journal | | The Lawyer | Recruitment Employment Confederation


In today’s market it is not enough to be good lawyer with excellent technical skills.You also need to need to exhibit sound commercial acument and management skills. Scotland’s business community is relatively small, and networking is key to enhancing significantly the career of any lawyer working in Scotland.

Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce | Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce | Glasgow Chamber of Commerce | Scottish Businesswomen | Institute of Directors | Association of Businesswomen


For any lawyer seeking to relocate to Scotland, it is important to understand what it is like to live here. In searching for the answer to this question, one of the best places to start is the indigenous Scottish newspapers. A fascinating mixture of the local and the national, Scotland has three quality dailies and two quality Sundays. There are also interesting and informative websites which focus on daily life in Scotland.

The Press & Journal (Aberdeen) | The Herald (Glasgow) | The Sunday Herald (Glasgow) | The Scotsman (Edinburgh) | Scotland on Sunday (Edinburgh)  | VisitScotland | ReturntoScotland | ScottishEnterprise


The process of finding and buying a home in Scotland is slightly different to that in other parts of the UK, involving important procedural and legal differences. We recommend that you download the booklet “Buying your Home” from the Law Society of Scotland’s website. The majority of homes are sold through solicitors, especially through the main Solicitors Property Centres in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Their sites are a good starting point, covering the real estate market in the relevant cities and providing wide coverage of rural areas

Glasgow Solicitors Property Centre | Edinburgh Solicitors Property Centre | Aberdeen Solicitors Property Centre


The majority of Local Authority schooling in Scotland uses the comprehensive system. Information on Local Authority Schools can usually be obtained from the relevant Authority. Outside of the Local Authorities, there is a thriving Independent sector, with a choice of schools to suit most needs. Further details of Independent Schools can be obtained through the Independent Schools Information Service website.

Independent Schools Information Service


Scotland has a wealth of sporting and cultural opportunities, far too many to list here. So to help you find more details of the facilities available for your particular sport we have listed some popular sporting links. For those sports not listed, the Scottish Sports Association is a good place to start. Their site has listings for most of the individual sports associations.

Scottish Sports Association | Scottish Football Association | Royal Yachting Association | Golf in Scotland | Scottish Rugby


Scotland’s culture is as varied as her people. In this section we give some pointers to sites that will help you discover what’s on and where. For someone living outside Scotland, the leading newspapers are probably the simplest way to get a feel for what is going on and when. They often include links to more event and venue specific websites. For visitor attractions, galleries and museums, the Scottish Tourist Board site provides a wealth of information and is a good portal site.

The Press & Journal (Aberdeen) | The Herald (Glasgow) | The Sunday Herald (Glasgow) | The Scotsman (Edinburgh) | VisitScotland – Events

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