FWA’s Top Tips for Working at Home

Mar 2020

As most of us find ourselves working from home amid this COVID-19 pandemic we thought we would share some of our tips for productive home working.

  • Have a designated office space – as much as it sounds great working from your comfy couch or bed, it can lessen your productivity and motivation.
  • Have a plan – plan out your day and start it as you usually would an office day (unfortunately this does involve getting out of your pyjamas!).  It is also useful to factor in your coffee breaks and lunch hour.  If your kids are also at home plan their day too.
  • Get fresh air – use your lunch hour or time you have saved on commuting to go a walk and stretch your legs.  This has been proven to be highly beneficial as it increases your mood, gives you an energy boost and enables a more productive afternoon.
  • Be productive – use this quieter time at home to complete tasks you wouldn’t usually have time to do like, start a new project, brainstorm new ideas or even catch up on your admin.  Although we know this can be tricky with family around!
  • Stay off Social Media – use your planned breaks to catch up on Social Media.  Especially during this time as it can be consuming and you can easily get caught up in it.
  • Personal development – unfortunately not everyone is working right now and if you fall into this category take this time to do something for YOU! Whether it’s taking an online course, starting yoga, learning a language or picking up an old hobby, do something you have always wanted to do but have never had the luxury of time!

We hope these tips help and you are staying safe.  Remember we are all in this together!

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